

  • We will demonstrate a proactive Customer First & a Customer Delightmind-set consistently.
  • We will act at all times to ensure Reliance remains the first choice for our customers.
  • We will actively listen to customer inputs to continuously improveour products, services and the customer experience.
  • We will work proactively and go the extra mile to nurture and growall our customer relationships.
  • To delight our end customers best, we will serve our internal andexternal customers, equally well.
  • We will prioritise and always align our work keeping the largerpurpose of the corporation in mind.
  • We will operate with a personal stake and an ownership mind-set andplay to win.
  • We will always remain agile and anticipate what will make a difference to our stakeholders tomorrow and make it happen with speed.
  • We will always commit to the highest standards of safety and environment.
  • We will conduct ourselves to ensure highest standards of corporatecitizenship.
  • Individually and collectively we will conduct ourselves with respect and humility.
  • We will uphold the self-esteem and dignity of each other by creating an open culture conducive for expression of views and ideas, irrespective of hierarchy.
  • We will express ourselves honestly but without disrespecting thesentiments of others.
  • We believe in being inclusive in our thinking and doing, we recognize that differences of perspectives are natural and must be acknowledged.
  • We will foster an inclusive and diverse workplace where everyone istreated with respect and dignity.
  • We will earn confidence and trust through principled leadership,fairness and humility at all times.
  • We believe in integrity of thought and action and adhere to theReliance Code of Conduct and all relevant laws of the land.
  • We believe in building a spirit of trust with all our stakeholders.
  • We will speak up if we see something conflicts with the Values ofthe company.
  • We will have the courage to stand up for what is right and surfaceissues early.
  • Team Reliance comes before me, always and every time.
  • We collaborate seamlessly, seeking and offering help as One Team,One Vision.
  • We take accountability for our own actions and also that of ourteam.
  • We recognise and acknowledge the contribution of other colleaguesand celebrate wins as a team.
  • We look beyond our own immediate roles and take ownership of thelarger outcome.
  • We believe in excellence in everything we think, say and do.
  • We will not create, accept or pass on anything that is mediocre.
  • We will accept responsibility learn and improve, not rationaliseand explain, using the Plan, Do, Check and Act principle.
  • We will hold each other accountable to deliver excellence.
  • We will always be outside in and raise the bar for excellence,learning from external benchmarks globally.